Friday, April 3, 2009

Kicking it Mormon-Style

My roommates and I have gotten really crazy since the first, I don't really know how it happened. But our apartment is a wreck and every single night is a crazy party. Last night we had cookies, Reeses and Superman ice cream, and pizza for dinner at our kitchen table which is in our living room.
We all slept in our lair, or our kitchen, which somehow got named the "Sex Chamber"...which is puzzling to me seeing as we don't have sex and it is a kitchen, not a chamber. I must not have been there when the name came about...

We watched She's the Man and Step Up then all fell asleep with sweet sweet dreams of Channing Tatum.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

April Fools!

Pranks I played on my roommates:

*Hid all the dishes in the oven

*Hid all the curling irons, flat irons and blow dryers

*Took all JP's clothes and put them in 5 separate garbage sacks and dropped them off at 5 different apartments in the complex.

*Changed JP's facebook info (gender, relationship status, picture, etc.)

*Dumped 4 of Laura's shirts in the snow (I was going to do something far more clever but she saw me with her hangered clothes and chased me through the complex which resulted in my dropping them in the snow.

*Hid all JP's shoes in my trunk.

*Helped put Easter grass in Kelsie's bed.
Pranks that were played on ME by my roommates:

*JP took all my clothes and bedding, wadded it up and shoved it in a dryer in the club house.

*JP found a spare key and hid my car on campus for the entire day.

*JP changed all my facebook settings.

The Truce

In the end we all made a pact that there would be no more pranks after midnight and that there would be no hard feelings. We moved all our mattresses into the kitchen, put blankets up over the cupboards, made a door out of a couple of the mattresses, moved the TV in and had the most awesome slumber party in the world!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Beautiful Film Making

I LOVE good film making. I love it when plots are exceptionally written, when acting is so good and even subtle facial expressions contribute to intense interactions and stuff. I love gorgeous scenes that make you triumphant or cry, etc. Here are a couple of my favorite movies or at least some of my favorite movie moments.

This is not one of my favorite movies, but this is the my all-time favorite segment of a movie because it's so gorgeous and there's so much emotion and the music is so fantastic.

The Prestige is definitely one of my all-time favorite movies in the world because the plot, the script and the editing is so brilliant. There are so many little symbolic little things in the whole movie that I am so impressed with every time I see it.

The Village is another of my most favorite movies. If you watch it just as entertainment you could say "oh that's so hokey, lalala" but if you analyze the details, like the colors of the robes, the village children's handicaps, etc. it makes it so amazing!


This is a really dark movie, but Joker character + Heather Ledger = excellent filmmaking.

And these are just a few. Someday I will post more. I love great movies! But alternately, I also HATE dumb movies. I'm a harsh critic of movies and am very hard to please. But anywho, these are some that I love. The End.

Monday, March 30, 2009

My Radiator!

So I was driving along the road between Logan and Sardine Canyon, minding my own business, when I heard a strange POP! I didn't think too much of it until I looked out my rear window and saw smoke puffing from my car. I got kind of concerned thinking I probably hit a rock or skunk or something and it had knocked something big and important off my engine. I pulled off to the side of the road and pulled up my hood. Some sort of green liquid gushed out of the fender, out the bottom and was splashed all over the engine. I took a few pictures as evidence of this neon mess.
I later learned this beautiful green stuff is commonly known as "anti-freeze", the same substance that killed my little cat Bunny when I was 10.I called my buddy Jarett and he confirmed that it was definitely something awry with the radiator. I called CarSmart, a local fix-it shop but unfortunately it was closed! So I called an aquaintance Josh Turley from work who was so extremely nice and offered to come and pick me up. While I waited I enjoyed the surroundings.

Josh and his little brother Isaac picked me up with their truck and pulled me to Auto Zone where an employee there dumped water down my radiator to see if there was a leak. Well, the water gushed out of a 15 inch crack all along the bottom of the radiator. We pulled it to a shop and ditched it there for the weekend. Oh what a day!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Dates and Dumbness

Our apartment decided that we wanted an apartment group date. We set each other up with our friends which turned out pretty awesome - despite 6 couples having never met their dates before in their lives. Our date went thusly:

We all piled in cars, each couple armed with a camera for a Picture Scavenger Hunt. And where do you go if you're going to take really fantastic and disrespectful pictures? Walmart... I went with an awesome dude named Grant Keaton. We totally won the contest. And here are our fantastic pictures:
This is our "Where's Waldo" Picture. Can you find Waldo? (I'm in a striped red and white shirt and a red baseball hat.)
Our favorite cereals, Marshmallow Mateys and Fruity Dino Bites, dressed in lady's underwear.Favorite Disney Movie: Sword in the Stone. Or Sword in the Pedigree Dog Food.Childhood memory of Grant being hit in the face by a baseball.Grant's favorite color. Mmmmmm...greeeeeeeen.Very Artistic, eh? (PS my font changed on its own...I don't know how to fix it.)

We won this wonderful contest. After getting kicked out of Walmart, we went home and ate Pazukies (some sort of soggy cookie with ice cream and toppings....droooooool). Then we all just at around and chatted. I was actually pretty impressed with Grant. We talked about a lot of stuff. Proposition 8, the gospel, philosophies on life and was very intellectual. All in all, it was fun! The End.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Glenn Beck

I can never watch too much of Glenn Beck, because I tend to feel "dooms day" about life, but sometimes we just all need to know. It's really crazy what we're likely to be headed into. And crazy as people may think, I really think that Obama is purposefully bulldozing our country to try to head on a Global Government.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Rest of the Story...

So remember how I was locked out like a common bum? Well I found out the REST of the story. For one thing, at my roommate's defense, her cell phone was in the car so she didn't turn it off just to ignore me. That's good. But I found out that when my roommates were happily heading out the door the couldn't open it. They pulled and pulled. They tried to move the deadbolt and they got it to move a little bit but it wouldn't turn the whole way. So poor roommates were locked IN for a good little while, missing classes and such. They wondered for a little bit how I got out that morning when they all started to realize that maybe Nicole didn't come in at all last night. Then they called the apartment manager who came over and said, "Uh, do you know you have a key in your lock?" All it took was a good turn and the guy got the key out. When we all got together and shared our stories it was hilarious to put the whole thing together. Ahhh...roommate "bond-age".

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

My Night as a Hobo

So last night a spent the night as a hobo. I was studying for a math class with some friends until 2 am and when I came home I found that my roommates had locked the deadbolt. Not a problem! I have a key! I plug my key into the lock, turn it and hear a funny click noise which stops my key from completing the turn. Hmmm...maybe it was the other direction? So I try to turn it the opposite direction and it doesn't budge. Then I try to yank it out and it still is not moving. I yank for a good 3 minutes, but it's so darn diddly dad-gum cold that my fingers ache and all I can think about is getting warm ASAP. So I ring the doorbell a bunch of times, hoping my slumbering roommates will wake up and have pity on their shivering friend standing in her pajamas on the doorstep. No one answered that, so I called each one of their cell phones a dozen times with no answer (one of them even turned off their phone, which kind of irks me). Not wanting to leave my car key stuck in the door, I rip the deadbolt key off the ring and flee to the complex lounge where there is relative warmth. The lounge has a couch, a tv, and a ton of washers and dryers. I locked all the lounge doors and huddled on the couch, hoping sleep will come before my imagination gets the better of me...but I swear I kept hearing someone in the room. Over and over again the "rape" cheer my crazy roommate taught me played in my mind: "Stop! don't touch me there, this is my private square. R-A-P-E, get your hands away from me!" So I turned on the TV and thought that maybe I'd fall asleep to that. It's VERY cold in there, by the way. I watch Leno, MASH, a P90X and a tummy shaper info-mercial. I STILL can't sleep. It's SO cold!! I remember I have laundry in the washer and that I have one piddly quarter to dry it as much as possible. When the dryer is done, I stuff one of my newly washed pillow cases with damp clothes to use as a pillow, and use another pillow case as a blanket. After shimmying into the pillow case (which hardly made me any warmer) I finally fell asleep, waking up every couple hours because I'm having crazy dreams that I'm homeless because I'm the lady with the octuplets and I don't have a job. Morning finally comes...I repeat the doorbell, calling roommate routine with the same results so I stumble to work in my jammies with nappy hair and unbrushed teeth. Gahh...I have so much empathy for the homeless.

Monday, January 26, 2009

One Eternal Round

Hmmmm...I'm bored. Eating is worthy activity. Let's see what the kitchen has to offer.

I'll start with the fridge. Hmmm...syrup, milk, mayonaise.

Let's try the cupboard. Rice cakes, tuna, minute rice.

Maybe the pantry has something promising. Peanut butter, stale tortilla chips, spaghetti sauce.

Hmmm...Maybe I missed something in the fridge. Mayo, milk, syrup.

Maybe there are tasty combinations I can make from crap in the cupboard. Ai ai ai.

Ooo! Something new! Ewwww...moldy onions.




Well, I'll have to settle for a concoction of my own, like a tuna fish rice cake,


Voila! Dinner!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

My Psycho Life

You know you have a crazy life when:
*Everything you say after you've introduced yourself to someone requires an explanation.
*People are as fascinated with your life as if you came from another country or planet.
*People think you're lying.
*After you've told someone something especially crazy they respond with, "huh, well you SEEM normal...I never would have guessed."
*You have no idea what someone is talking about and you KNOW it's something that you should know (e.g. "A-day and B-days", "Chicken Cordon Bleu", etc.)
It's funny, I realized the other day that I have said the same old explanations for everything probably about a million times, because I always get the same questions. It typically goes like this:
Curious Person: "So you were H-H-H-Hoooomeschooled? How did you like THAT?"
Me: "I liked it. Of course there are pros and cons to everything but overall it was good."
Curious Person: "Ooooh. But what about a SOCIAL life?"
Me: "I had to work a little harder at it but I wasn't shut up in the house all day." (Not necessarily true, but who needs to know?)
Curious Person: "Do you wish you weren't homeschooled?"
Me: "No, I actually really enjoyed it and wouldn't be who I am if I weren't."
**By this time they get really uncomfortable and change the subject. Phew, close call. I lose all dignity if they ask anything about math. One crazy thing down, 3 more to go. After the homeschooling question fizzles it inevitably leads into . . .

9 Siblings

Curious Person: "Well that's how many brothers and sisters do you have?"
Me: "3 brothers, 6 sisters."
Curious Person: "Were ALL of them homeschooled????"
Me: "Ummm...yes."

Celiac Disease

Curious Person: "Want a doughnut?"
Me: "Bwee, I can't."
Curious Person: "You're not fat."
Me: "I know... I'm kind of allergic to grains."
Curious Person: "Really? Does your face swell up and your throat close and you die?"
Me: "'s more like an autoimmune disease that will eventually give me cancer and THEN I die if I eat your doughnut."
Curious Person: "That sucks."

I got my Driver's License at 21
Curious Person: "Why does your license say you got it last year...?
Me: "Uhhh...I just learned how to drive."
Curiuos Person: "WHAT? Why?"
Me: "I don't really know...I'm pretty sure it's because we only had one vehicle and my parents didn't want to pay for my insurance. Either that or they didn't want me to go anywhere." (Which brings me back to the "did you have a social life" question in the homeschooling dialogue.)

Eventually, people get over these things and just shrug their shoulders and say, "whatever, she's weird" and we go on being friends. But I can imagine this doesn't paint a pretty picture in the mind of prospective husbands. I'm sure I should just avoid these topics until the 5th or 16th date, but I have a tendency to "lay it all down" on the first date. I figure, why waste our time? They should know what their up against NOW instead of LATER, right? It gets to the point where you can actually see the Xs being marked on the marital checklists in their minds. So it seems as if I will most likely marry a Homeschooled Celiac dude with 5,000 siblings who didn't get his license until after his mission. Either that or someone with a CRAZIER a fruitarian polyg with a million wives instead of siblings who doesn't have a license at all because he only drives covered wagons. Shudder...I hope not.