Wednesday, February 11, 2009

My Night as a Hobo

So last night a spent the night as a hobo. I was studying for a math class with some friends until 2 am and when I came home I found that my roommates had locked the deadbolt. Not a problem! I have a key! I plug my key into the lock, turn it and hear a funny click noise which stops my key from completing the turn. Hmmm...maybe it was the other direction? So I try to turn it the opposite direction and it doesn't budge. Then I try to yank it out and it still is not moving. I yank for a good 3 minutes, but it's so darn diddly dad-gum cold that my fingers ache and all I can think about is getting warm ASAP. So I ring the doorbell a bunch of times, hoping my slumbering roommates will wake up and have pity on their shivering friend standing in her pajamas on the doorstep. No one answered that, so I called each one of their cell phones a dozen times with no answer (one of them even turned off their phone, which kind of irks me). Not wanting to leave my car key stuck in the door, I rip the deadbolt key off the ring and flee to the complex lounge where there is relative warmth. The lounge has a couch, a tv, and a ton of washers and dryers. I locked all the lounge doors and huddled on the couch, hoping sleep will come before my imagination gets the better of me...but I swear I kept hearing someone in the room. Over and over again the "rape" cheer my crazy roommate taught me played in my mind: "Stop! don't touch me there, this is my private square. R-A-P-E, get your hands away from me!" So I turned on the TV and thought that maybe I'd fall asleep to that. It's VERY cold in there, by the way. I watch Leno, MASH, a P90X and a tummy shaper info-mercial. I STILL can't sleep. It's SO cold!! I remember I have laundry in the washer and that I have one piddly quarter to dry it as much as possible. When the dryer is done, I stuff one of my newly washed pillow cases with damp clothes to use as a pillow, and use another pillow case as a blanket. After shimmying into the pillow case (which hardly made me any warmer) I finally fell asleep, waking up every couple hours because I'm having crazy dreams that I'm homeless because I'm the lady with the octuplets and I don't have a job. Morning finally comes...I repeat the doorbell, calling roommate routine with the same results so I stumble to work in my jammies with nappy hair and unbrushed teeth. Gahh...I have so much empathy for the homeless.


  1. OH Coley!!! Why didn't you just walk up to street and come stay with me in 25B!? Ohhhh, yeah...I don't live there anymore, huh? Mwa, ah, ah! Jk, come move down here!!!

  2. haha That's so funny! I don't miss being your roommate! :)

  3. Oh Coodeepeemoes!!!! That is soooo sad!! You were a bum sleeping in a pillowcase. Even they have the sense to get under some cardboard. Seriously, could you have called the apartment manager? Or the cops? Don't EVER sleep in the cold again. Call Marmie and I will help you figure out what to do, PLEASE!!!

  4. AHAHAHAHA... you are so funny and I am sorry you were homeless for a night. If you lived in SL you could have stayed on my nice old dingy warm couch. Poor Coley! She just needs someone to love her and read her homeless sign. :(

  5. MMMmmmm Beeeer Aghghghghaghg
