Thursday, February 12, 2009

The Rest of the Story...

So remember how I was locked out like a common bum? Well I found out the REST of the story. For one thing, at my roommate's defense, her cell phone was in the car so she didn't turn it off just to ignore me. That's good. But I found out that when my roommates were happily heading out the door the couldn't open it. They pulled and pulled. They tried to move the deadbolt and they got it to move a little bit but it wouldn't turn the whole way. So poor roommates were locked IN for a good little while, missing classes and such. They wondered for a little bit how I got out that morning when they all started to realize that maybe Nicole didn't come in at all last night. Then they called the apartment manager who came over and said, "Uh, do you know you have a key in your lock?" All it took was a good turn and the guy got the key out. When we all got together and shared our stories it was hilarious to put the whole thing together. Ahhh...roommate "bond-age".


  1. Haha, that is really hilarious! But your situation was infinitely worse than theirs. I'd rather be locking IN than locked OUT!

  2. So was that YOUR key that was stuck in the lock?

  3. That is terribly funny and horrible. Yeah I would have rather been locked in than out. Well, that is an experience for the books. You should call me next time and at least... drive... no you would fall asleep... MOVE to SL soon!

  4. Heh heh just like Oscar the Grouch!

  5. I would rather be locked out. Then you have the option of going anywhere you want.
