Thursday, April 2, 2009

April Fools!

Pranks I played on my roommates:

*Hid all the dishes in the oven

*Hid all the curling irons, flat irons and blow dryers

*Took all JP's clothes and put them in 5 separate garbage sacks and dropped them off at 5 different apartments in the complex.

*Changed JP's facebook info (gender, relationship status, picture, etc.)

*Dumped 4 of Laura's shirts in the snow (I was going to do something far more clever but she saw me with her hangered clothes and chased me through the complex which resulted in my dropping them in the snow.

*Hid all JP's shoes in my trunk.

*Helped put Easter grass in Kelsie's bed.
Pranks that were played on ME by my roommates:

*JP took all my clothes and bedding, wadded it up and shoved it in a dryer in the club house.

*JP found a spare key and hid my car on campus for the entire day.

*JP changed all my facebook settings.

The Truce

In the end we all made a pact that there would be no more pranks after midnight and that there would be no hard feelings. We moved all our mattresses into the kitchen, put blankets up over the cupboards, made a door out of a couple of the mattresses, moved the TV in and had the most awesome slumber party in the world!


  1. Hmm.. that's fun. What is a JP?

  2. Heh Heh Heh, take that ya dumb squirrel! Heh heh heh.

  3. Oh my goodness Coley, that is so cute!!!!!!! Good memories!

  4. Really, why be single and have room mates if you can't have fun like that? Reminds me of the night I stayed up the whole time with my room mates and other friends and we put lipstick on and went kissing the guys cars and putting oreos on the windows. We were never like that with the pranks though- it would have been fun. ;)
