Friday, April 25, 2008

A Typical Day

So recently I've decided that every day of my life right now is basically just a cookie-cutter of the day before. Almost to the minute, each day is spent doing the exact same thing, with the exact same people. In fact, sometimes I wonder if I'm having a "Groundhog Day" experience. Without fail, this is how it goes:

1. Waking Up:

For the first 2 months of living with Rachel and Danny (sister and her husband), I was woken up every morning at 8 a.m. sharp by Savanna, my little niece. She'd start quiet, then slowly turn up the volume on her little voice, saying, "Coley." (Still asleep.) "Coley." (Still asleep.) "Coley." (Awake now, but pretending not to be.) "Coley." (Awake still, hoping that if keep pretending to sleep she'll give up and just go away.) "Coley." (Now covering my head with my pillow.) "COLEY! I'm hungry! Get me some toast NOOOOOOW!!" (Then Nicole flies off her rocket and scolds Savanna for not saying please when she's really just pissed that her human alarm clock was way too good at getting her out of bed...and when I say bed I mean the futon in the living room.) Fortunately, this was put to an end by Danny. These days I wake up on my own, but Savanna is always perched on the coffee table next to my "bed", staring down at me. "Coley, can you get me some toast?" "Ahhhh....Okay, Sue."

2. Getting Ready For Work:

I start by wasting each precious minute doing stupid things (like writing a blog...) and pretending I DON'T have to go to work. Then when I only have about 6 1/2 minutes until my ride arrives I dash throughout the house, stuffing food in my face, finding my lost flip-flop, and squeezing "Bearsey", aka Lilly (my 1 year-old niece) until her eyes bulge.

3. Off To Work!

I leave for work at exactly 9:46 every day. I ride with two girls I work with and our conversations are generally in the categories of Hating Work or I'd Rather Get Hit By a Bus Than Go to Work Today or I'm SOOO Quitting Today, I Hate My Life!!! Upon arrival to work, I log onto my computer and watch helplessly as the minutes count down to 10:05 when I have to start taking phone calls. The guy next to me is laughing to himself, smiling ear to ear and telling himself how much he loves his job. He doesn't understand why tears are in my eyes and why I really wish I could just get the stomach flu. Then 10:05 hits and I take my first miserable call. After the call is finished, I always look at the clock. 10:23...8 hours and 37 minutes to go...subtract an hour lunch and 2 15 minute breaks and that's 7 hours and 7 minutes on the phone...Crap, I can't do this ALL DAY!! Another customer calls in and I say the same line that's repeated over and over in my nightmares: "Thank you for calling Qwest where we now offer over 90 High Definition channels, this is Nicole, how can I help you today?" (What's really running through my mind is, "Why are you calling Qwest where I don't know how to sell you over 90 High Definition channels and I'd honestly rather not help you today...?") Then suddenly, after what seems like centuries, it's 7:00 and I'm off!!

3. Home At Last and Molding On the Couch

From the time I get home to the time I go to bed is generally about 6 hours. This is spent in the same way almost every single night. This just shows how little of a social life Nicole has. After stuffing my face frantically with a delicious meal made by Danny or a not-so-delicious meal made by Rachel (haha, just kidding Rachel!) I recover by collapsing on the couch-which-is-my-bed. While Rachel makes her bows, she will turn on channel 44, the Style Channel. For the next 5 1/2 hours we will sit there and watch 3 episodes of Clean House, an episode of How Do I Look? and maybe an episode of Clean House Comes Clean or Extreme Makeover. During this time Rachel and I talk about life, our crazy family, and what stresses us out. Things are made less serious by Danny, who mocks the crazies on TV, farts in dramatic ways and writes intense fantasy novels for us to read. By 2 a.m. we finally decide that maybe we should sleep. Then I freak because I forgot that I needed to take a shower. Confession, I HATE showering. Such a waste of time. Anyways, after the shower, I'm too tired and lazy to actually fold out the futon and make the bed, so I just lay the bedding down like a taco and sleep between the folded blankets. After finally drifting off I'm generally woken at least 5 times by either screaming Lilly or screaming baby in the apartment upstairs. Then...I wake up and this starts all over again!

THE END...until tomorrow!


  1. Haha, you are so funny Nicole! I wish you could live with me. We would never get anything done. Sorry you hate your job so much. Nothing is worse than hating where you work (ahem Food 4 Less). Good job blogging more. See I want to know more about your life, no matter how crazy or boring. You can call me any one of your molding couch nights. It's fun to talk to you!

  2. Please keep writing, Coley. I love the way you write and wish you would keep this blog going. It's the "next best thing to being there!" I love you!
